Losing the Baby Weight

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

The Timeline:
November, 2007 - Pregnant with Baby #1
July, 2008 - Life with a newborn begins
December, 2008 - Surprise!! I'm pregnant again
August, 2009 - Baby #2 is born

If you do the math on this, I haven't had a solid night's sleep in like 2 years and we're only on week 3 with the new baby. I can't even blame it on the kids either. Pregnancy was way worse as far as sleepless nights. During the first trimester I had to go to the bathroom all night long. Most nights I would say I averaged 3 times but there were some nights that I was up 6 or more times! (yeah, I counted). Now allegedly this is supposed to lessen during the 2nd trimester....it doesn't. You're still going to average 2-3 times per night and then it spikes again during the 3rd trimester. Plus, during the third trimester every little ache makes you wonder if "it's time" which makes it impossible to sleep. If you dare to voice a complaint about your lack of sleep during the 3rd trimester, it is inevitable that some bleeding heart will tell you "It's just preparing you for those sleepless nights with a newborn". Um yeah, I can easily see how walking to the bathroom 6 times a night to pee is the same as waking up to provide love/food/care to your newborn...??? At least when you're getting up to feed your baby, you have accomplished something!
Now I need to confess that I have the best babies on the face of the planet because we get way more sleep than the average new parent. Beware though; even if you have babies that sleep like angels, you're still going to worry at every little sound. It was real neat (sarcasm) having a first born that chit-chatted all night long while she was asleep. She got moved to her own room REAL fast because I was constantly wondering if she was awake or not.....regarding evicting her to her own room - there will be a future post entitled "Am I A Bad Mom If..."

1 comment:

  1. The even crueler joke is that you feel even more tired after your baby starts sleeping through the night--as if that's possible :)
