Losing the Baby Weight

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Big Mama's House

Are you feeling discouraged about your pregnancy weight gain? This should help you feel better: during my first pregnancy I gained 50 pounds. I had a lot of swelling towards the end but either way you slice that pie, it's still a BIG pie.
One my second pregnancy, I gained the recommended 30 (but you should also know that I got pregnant about 3.5 months after my daughter was born so I still had a pesky 19 pounds hanging on). So both times I arrived right at my magic pregnancy number.
Now begins the process of losing the weight. If I had given birth to a 5th grader, I'd probably already be back to where I started but seeing as how both of my babies were right around 7 pounds, there's plenty left to lose. I like to say that some people carry the baby in their bellies and I carried my babies in my hips and thighs : )
Let me break it down for you in numbers:
My pre-pregnancy weight - 130lbs
Pregnancy weight both times - 180ish
Pre-2nd pregnancy weight - 149
Current weight - 151
The Plan:
The Southbeach Diet is our preferred method of weight loss (the hubby has some pregnancy pounds to lose also - every good man should). The reason is because I could go through life living on side dishes and desserts alone. I would be a fattie but I would be a happy fattie. This diet forces me to put down the refined sugars and simple carbohydrates and embrace the main course. I have zero will power so I really need a plan that just tells me what I can and cannot have. So far, I've lost 9 pounds (no, I'm not counting the weight lost right after the baby was born).
Here's my secret - the true key to weight loss success is competition and monetary reward. I'm competing with some coworkers in a Biggest Loser type competition where the winner walks away with the pot of about $150.00. I am fiercely competitive and plan to blow them all out of the water and use the money to go shopping for non-maternity clothes for the first time in 2 years : )
The ultimate goal:
To be back to 130 lbs by June 1st, 2010. We'll be going on our first real vacation since our honeymoon and mama needs to look good in a swim suit. You can track my progress on my handy-dandy weight loss ticker. I'll update it each week when I weigh in.

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