Losing the Baby Weight

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pregnancy Weight Gain

So in the first trimester of pregnancy, the books will tell you that you're probably not gaining much weight because you feel so crappy right? Hmmm...the first time I was pregnant I think I gained like 10-15 pounds in the first trimester (thanks for making me feel good pregnancy authors).
It is my firm belief (without any scientific data) that all women have a predetermined pregnancy weight. Some of you weighed 40 pounds before you got pregnant and you will have a little volleyball belly and will fit into your size 2's the week after you deliver (even though you ate KFC 4 times per week during your pregnancy). Others of you will subsist on whole grain toast and salads and grilled chicken for the entire time and you will gain 50 pounds.
Here's my story:
I was so terrified of pregnancy weight gain so I really set out to eat only healthy things. I took healthy snacks to work and drank water like it was going out of style. At each appointment I gained like 2-3lbs. I had a doctor who was pretty strict about weight gain too so he was reminding me at each appointment what I should be eating. I'm sure he believed me to be a big fat (literally) liar as I recounted what I was eating. Part of the problem is that there are 2 scales at my doctor's office and one of them weighs heavier I swear! So by the end of pregnancy #1 I had gained 50 pounds! Let me also say that we walked daily and I did pregnancy yoga and I was very active throughout my pregnancy.
Pregnancy #2 - I ate what I wanted and didn't set foot outside unless it was to go to a pool or the lake. It was too dang hot outside during the day and our daughter goes to bed at 8 when it was still in the mid 90's out so there was no walking for me. I ate more than my share of restaurant foods and we had dessert almost nightly. At one of my appointments towards the end (when you're supposed to be packing it on) I actually lost a pound! The doctor was concerned that I wasn't eating enough or that I was over-exercising...HA! The real culprit was that they had weighed me on the cursed digital scale the week before and it said I was a fatty! In the end, I only gained 30 pounds this time but still arrived at my same magic number (still had 19 pounds to lose from the first round).
The moral of this long and rambling story is that in pregnancy you're going to be BIG or REAL BIG so just eat what you would normally eat (not everything in sight though).


  1. This makes me feel so much better. I gained too much weight this first trimester, but I really haven't changed my eating habits. I probably eat more frequently, but not whole meals. Luckily my doctor didn't say anything about it to me...yet.

  2. I ate exactly the same foods and amounts that I ate before pregnancy and still kept packing it on. Don't sweat it!
